[Project Week 1] / Project Ideas / With feedback

Week 1

Project Ideas

Initial ideas

Video game

First thing that came to mind was to make a video game for my project, the main reason behind this is because I have previous experience in making video games as a project in the past for example last year on my HND I created a 3D platforming game in the unreal engine as my project, and it went quite well. As well as that experience I have also completed a course specifically directed at games design where I spent the time learning how to use certain gaming software for example gamemaker, so that also helps.

Video game in Unreal Engine (First Person Shooter, Horde game)

For my project I could make a video game in unreal engine again, the pro behind doing this is that it will be less of a challenge for me to create the video game due to my previous experience, however I think doing the same thing over and over again will get repetitive and boring so I will also be looking towards new ideas that differ from using Unreal Engine and perhaps delve into another game engine altogether. If I were to create a game in this engine again it would have to be different to the games I have created in the past to keep things fresh, so last year I created a platforming game and an RPG so this year I could maybe look towards another genre, perhaps something like a first person shooter or third person shooter.

My first person shooter game could be a hybrid of some sort, perhaps a first person shooter with RPG elements kind of like Fallout 4 and borderlands where its a FPS game at its core but has elements akin to RPG for example level ups and perks. I was thinking maybe a horde type game where the goal is to eliminate waves of enemies that progressively get harder but you have perks or abilities that you can level up to help you along the way e.g speed boost, more damage, stronger bullets etc.

Web game (Game similar to agar.io)

After learning about the units we will be doing on the course I noticed that one of them is web based gaming, this caught my interest as I have played many web games in the past and they seem to be on the uprise and are very popular, a good example off the top of my head are .io games for example slither.io. Learning about this unit while doing it as a project also may be one of the best things to do as this particular unit I think I will be interested in learning about so doing it as a project will most likely be fun. A web based game project could be something similar to slither.io, what this game is basically about is you log into a large map as a snake a long with many other players around the world, the objective of this game is to enlarge your snake via eating special food around the map that you and other players have to fight for, the end goal is to become number 1 on the leader-board and to kill other players by making them bump into you. 

My game could be similar to slither.io except instead of snakes it could be shapes with the goal of becoming the biggest shape and to kill other players you would eat them if you are bigger than them. Although this is a good idea it has already been created, there is another 'io' game out there called agario which involves spawning into the map as a circle shape in which the goal is to become the biggest circle, except instead of bumping into other players to kill them you 'eat' them which adds to your total mass making you larger, so if the player you eat is fairly large you will gain a big amount of mass.

Image result for agario

Both of these io games are good ideas, I will probably expand my own game idea from agario as I feel there is a lot more you can do with a shape based game whereas 'snake' is a little basic.

Image result for geralt of rivia 3d model

3D Model (Superhero)

Another one of the units we will be learning about is 3D modelling and animation, so it may be a good idea to base the project around creating a 3D model. My personal idea is I could create a high detail 3D model for a video game that doesn't exist but could be used if it did exist. For example the model I create could be as detailed as Geralt from the game 'The Witcher 3', but except instead of it being Geralt it would be its own character, this character could have its own lore and story to go along with the model which will add depth to the project.

An idea for a model I could create is a superhero, this model would have an interesting superhero outfit which includes a cape, mask and maybe a weapon or magical effect to go along with it. On top of creating this model I will include character details such as name and back story to go along with it. 

Animations (Fighting, flying)

Animations could be added also so I won't just be creating a 3D model for my project, my animations could vary from all sorts of things, so as my model would be a superhero I would make animations such as fighting, like kicking and punching, flying, if I decide to make my superheroes ability to fly and much more. The problem with creating animations along with the 3D model is i'm unsure how difficult it is to create animations at the moment, if I discover that it's a hard thing to learn I may scrap this idea and just stick to creating a 3D model.

Web application or Phone application (Habit tracker)

Another idea I had  was to create a web application, I was thinking what kind of web application to create that isn't a video game, then the idea came to create a 'habit tracker'. A habit tracker is basically an easy way of tracking everyday things you would like to keep track of, for example if you want to start going to bed early it may be best to track your progress via a habit tracker, not only will you be able to view your progress over time but it will help motivate you to keep with it. A good example of a habit tracker out there today is 'habitica', this habit tracker is free to use and combines the ability to track your habits with RPG gaming elements such as character creation, health potions, stats and more. My habit tracker could be a similar thing except from gamifying it I could combine it with something else, although I haven't thought what to as of yet.


After showing my ideas to my lecturer he gave me feedback based on what he thinks I will be capable of doing and what may be a little difficult, the end result was my ideas were pretty much narrowed down to 2: A video game in unreal and a web based game

Kept ideas:

Video game in unreal

My lecturer pretty much told me what I already thought which was making a video game will be my strongest suit and will turn out the best. However, he suggested that instead of using unreal engine that I use Unity engine instead as that engine will be covered on the course. I will take on board his suggestion of using Unity but at heart I still have unreal engine in mind as I am already familiar with that software the most out of any other software, but I will see how Unity is before I make my decision.

Creating a game in unreal will be ideal for me as I have past experience in creating video games in unreal, I even created one last year as a part of my project. My lecturer liked my idea of creating a hybrid game of FPS and RPG as both of those elements collide nicely with each other and allows for a creation of interesting games with relatively a lot of depth. I am still however unsure of what kind of game I want to create, but I have a general idea.

Web based game

I was told this would be my second option if I decided not to create a game in unreal engine, and I was told that we will be covering on the course creating a web based game that are very similar to the idea that I had which was an .io game, so this may be a great option to create for my project. The main issue with doing this as the project is that it involves a lot more coding than it does in Unreal Engine, and because I have little to no interest in coding this may not be a great option to do for the project. I will learn more about creating web based games as the course progresses so I will come to a more definitive decision later on whether or not my game will be web based or unreal engine based.

Scrapped ideas:

3D Model and animation

Me and my lecturer both agreed this would be too difficult to do for the project, less so difficult but more because of the fact I am not familiar with any modelling software, for example Maya. So unless I quickly learn how to use Maya over the course I don't think I will be taking this idea up as my project.

Web application

Same with the modelling and animation, creating a web application would be too difficult as I have no previous experience in creating one, and it won't be covered over the period of the course as a unit so it would be too time consuming to learn and create it as my project.
