[Project Week 5.0] Getting started! / Features and plans for my game


So let me get started by explaining the 'main' features I want implemented in my game, you can see most of these features on my gantt chart I created for my previous week but I thought i'd go into more detail about what exactly I want in my game and how it will look.


The game world I will be creating will be viewed in a top down sort of fashion, and what it will consist of is different types of tiles so that the character can walk around e.g grass tiles, sand, pathways etc. and I also plan on adding trees which the character will be able to walk behind and in front of with added collision so you can't walk through it.

-Player character

The game will of course feature a player character that is full controllable by the person playing the game, this player will be able to attack using different spells that I plan to add in the game e.g fire, ice and thunder attacks. Along with the spells the player can cast I plan on adding a 'spell book' which will be a menu you can access so you can drag and drop the spells onto your 'spell bar' which if you have played RPG games before you will know what I am talking about.

-Health and mana

Due to my game being an RPG it will of course include health and mana mechanics, meaning if the player is damaged you will lose health (and die at zero health) and you will lose mana after using your magic abilities. Health and mana will be viewable to the player in the form of 'health and mana bars' which will be displayed on the screen (GUI).


An RPG game wouldn't be any fun without any enemies in the game, these will be non playable characters scattered around my game that will attack the player character on site, the main objective of the enemies is to kill the player character, but they can also be killed by the player itself. I plan on adding at least 2 different kinds of enemies where one will be melee (attacks at very close range) and the other ranged (uses a bow maybe).


I plan on adding experience which the player can gain far into the development of my game, with this experience I want to have a level up system and rewards based off of it. The experience the player gains will be represented in the GUI as an 'experience bar' so you know when your character is about to level up. Experience will be gained after killing monsters and quests.

-Skill tree

I will also be adding a skill tree to the game, this will be a feature that will allow the player to increase the power of the characters abilities in the game. There is a lot I can do with improving abilities for example I could just make the abilities do more damage or I could make them deal some sort of effect like burning damage when upgrading the fire attack.


With this being an RPG I of course plant to add some form of questing system, this will also bring the need for NPC's which the player can interact with to either get quests from or just information. I will try add different types of quests for example gathering quests which involves the player collecting a specific item and also killing quests where the player has to kill a certain monster or certain amount of monsters. A quest log will be needed to be made along with this so that the player can keep track of their quests, this log will be opened by pushing a specific key for example 'Q'.


An inventory will be needed in my game to compliment other features such as quests, as a gathering quest will be useless without an inventory to carry the items in. This inventory should be able to carry all sorts of items such as quest items and armor, but also drops from enemies which is another feature I would love to have in my game, for example killing a skeleton and it dropping bones.

-Character panel

This character panel will feature different interact-able slots that the player will be able to use to put on armor, for example dragging a head piece from the inventory into the head slot will equip that item. Equipping different items will increase the characters 'stats' which will range from intellect to strength, which can all be viewed within this character panel.
