[Research Week 2] // A.I Techniques for games

Boids flocking

This is the idea that entities will work together in a group and follow one another to form a flock. The flock is based off and follow rules, the 3 main rules are separation, align and cohesion.


Move to avoid groups


Move towards the average heading, meaning the direction other flockmates are moving towards


Move towards the centre of nearest flockmates to join them


Pathfinding concepts

A.I with an objective of getting from point A to point B.

-A* Algorithm

This is a widely used algorithm, it is used to plot the best and efficient path between multiple points. It's built into most game engines and is one of the best due to its accuracy.

-Dijkstra Algorithm

This algorithm finds the fastest path with the shortest distance. Google maps uses this algorithm. If you want to plan a trip and want to know the fastest way to get there, you will use this algorithm on google maps to do so.

-Cost driven

This algorithm isn't the most fastest or accurate but it is always the most cost efficient meaning you use up less resources following this route, for example if you plot a journey and want to spend the least money travelling you would use this algorithm.
